Day 70/100 100 Days of Code

Day 70/100 100 Days of Code

Rebuild Back Better

In the session, I focused on developing the player object. Initially, I created an Entity class. After that, I created another class named Player. The Player class inherits the attributes of the Entity.

Each in-game Entity will have the same attributes and its own behaviour.

class Entity
    unsigned int health;
    unsigned int damage;
    unsigned int resourceLoad;
    unsigned int level;
    int x, y;

Each attribute should be quite obvious The resourceLoad attribute is the amount of resources an Entity can carry.

template<typename STRING, typename SURFACE, typename RENDERER>
class Player: public Entity
    SURFACE *cursorImage;
    bool LoadPlayerImages(STRING location);
    void ShowDefaultCursor(RENDERER *renderer);
    void ShowInteractableCursor();
    void ShowCanAttackCursor();

This is the Player object with a new attribute and its methods. I have completed the ShowDefaultCursor and for now the LoadPlayerImages method loads only the default cursor.

bool Player<std::string, SDL_Surface, SDL_Renderer>::LoadPlayerImages(std::string location)
    cursorImage = IMG_Load(location.c_str());

    if (cursorImage == nullptr)
        return false;
    return true;

void Player<std::string, SDL_Surface, SDL_Renderer>::ShowDefaultCursor(SDL_Renderer *renderer)
    SDL_Surface *convertImage = SDL_ConvertSurface(cursorImage, cursorImage->format);

    if (convertImage == nullptr)
        std::cout << "Failed to create default cursor ";
        std::cout << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;

    SDL_Texture *defaultcursorTexture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, convertImage);

    const SDL_FRect defaultCursorHolder = {    static_cast<float>(x), 

    SDL_RenderTexture(renderer, defaultcursorTexture, nullptr, &defaultCursorHolder);    

Declaration and Definition

// game.h
static Player<std::string, SDL_Surface, SDL_Renderer> *player;

Player<std::string, SDL_Surface, SDL_Renderer> *Game::player = nullptr;


player = new Player<std::string, SDL_Surface, SDL_Renderer>;

if (!player->LoadPlayerImages(execpath + std::string("/Contents/Resources/graphics/Player/cursor_main.png")))
    std::cout << "Failed to load cursor image ";
    std::cout << IMG_GetError() << std::endl;
    return false;

// Hide the cursor    
int getSDLHideCursorVal = SDL_HideCursor();

if (getSDLHideCursorVal != 0)
    std::cout << "Failed to hide cursor";
    std::cout << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
    return false;

Now that everything is ready and the computer's cursor is hidden, we can display the image in the position where the mouse should be located.

player->x = mouseX;
player->y = mouseY;

The Object will be updated to show the corresponding image which depends on what type of object it is hovering.

IIt's important to remember that the origin point of each image is at the top left corner. This is especially crucial when editing non-static images like cursors.
