Myth of Normal by Dr. Gabor Maté

The book presents a research on how trauma and stress have long term effects on both mental and physical health. The appearance of autoimmune illnesses, cancer, and ADHD have perceptibly risen affecting a significant portion of the population and medical scientists have been unable to discover the cause

The stress and toxicity of modern times have affected negatively the quality of life of a significant portion of the population. Dr. Gabor Maté interviews people who have been affected by terribly ailments and still have managed to recuperate themselves to the surprise of their physicians.

It has plenty of information that became tiring at times but the research was fascinating. “Alternative” ways of healing has been considered a pseudoscience for a very long time but it has started to become accepted by more open-minded doctors. I need to re-read the book to get a further understanding on the research but left me wondering if healing our souls is the remedy for most of the modern problems of our lives.